Wood, Metal, and Laser CNC
A very versatile CNC for wood, metal and laser milling, carving, and etching.
-Raising Awesome 2022
Although this was pretty much a basement build, this is one of largest projects, yet. For this CNC build, we went after a laser, wood, and aluminum cutter/carver. Comparable units from reputable manufactures are over $2000. This one came in under $800.
What makes it such a big project is that we didn't just assemble it or build it from a kit. It was designed from the ground up in Autodesk Fusion 360. This included a custom built Arduino Uno shield. The biggest part is an entirely new offering to the CNC community to drive GRBL - The Raising Awesome Carver. This took tons of research and code to make a cool 3D interface with plenty of smarts for wood and laser carving.
Check out our build at Instructables: Bigtime Basement Build CNC for Laser and Wood Projects : 8 Steps - Instructables
Also, you can check out the Raising Awesome Carver.
I'll be recording speed and power settings here as I learn:
Laser Black Acrylic: 3mm", 100% @ 700mm/min for 10 passes
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