Jumbo Laser Etcher

Our first exploration into the world of CNC. We built a light weight, portable Jumbo Laser Etcher (3' x 3').

-Raising Awesome 2022

My son and I exhausted all the greatest features of Autodesk Fusion 360 for rapidly prototyping mechatronic designs including model imports, mechanical design, assembly joints, PCB design, PCB enclosure design, CAM, G-Code Exports, 2D Drawings, exploded views, and Photorealistic Rendering.

We made a step-by-step tutorial that will give you mastery of Autodesk Fusion 360 while also giving you a one-of-a-kind, beast of a CNC machine that allows for marking large sheets of fabric to make your own clothes or laying out trace lines for school poster projects. You'll also be able to easily cut 1/4" hardwood and burn masks for your chemically etched PCB projects. Throughout this build, my son will bestow his 10 years of Autodesk experience that he developed as Autodesk Fusion 360 evolved dating back to the Autodesk123 days.

You can obtain our 3D printed files at:  RaisingAwesome/JumboLaserEtcher (github.com)

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